Criminal Defense Law Firm

Defensive Driving School

Defensive Driving School

What is Defensive Driving School?

Defensive driving school is a driver’s skill course that is designed to improve a driver’s driving habits and risky behaviors through additional education. In the context of the courts, it is very common for prosecutors and judges to request or require that a defendant complete a defensive driving course.

TIP #1: Most if not all courts require that the course be in-person and DO NOT accept online courses. (Since Covid-19 many courts are allowing online courses that are done via live instructions over Zoom or a similar video conference/chat software.)

TIP #2: There are two versions of Defensive Driving School, Level 1 is 8 hours. Level 2 is 16 hours. Make sure you know which you have to take.

Where Can I Do Defensive Driving School?

  1. National Traffic Safety Insitute - Website:

  2. 911 Driving School - Website:

  3. Online Live Instruction (In-person) via Zoom -Defensive Driving School - Website:

Free Consultation

We always offer a free consultation for prospective clients. There is no obligation to hire our firm after the free consultation. At our first meeting, we will discuss the specifics of your case and answer any questions you may have. Each case is unique and we need to speak confidentially with you to give you our honest opinion. The first step to getting your life back and your questions answered is to schedule a free consultation.

Let’s Chat.