Criminal Defense Law Firm

Anger Management


anger management

The following is a partial list of agencies that provide Anger Management classes in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties. Please note that the list is not complete. Also, an attorney often has specific agencies where, based upon the judge, the court, or other circumstances concerning the client's case, he or she recommends that the client either enroll in treatment and/or not enroll in treatment. As such, persons should consult with their attorney prior to starting the process of enrolling in anger management classes.


This list is provided for assistance to our clients, our lawyers, and other attorneys, who may be looking for these resources. Neither Stewart MacNichols Harmell, Inc., P.S., or any of its employees necessarily endorce any of the agencies included in this list. Nor do we have any business or other relationship with any of these agencies. Remember talk to a lawyer before contacting any treatment agency.


National Traffic Safety Institute, 1-800-588-6874


Court Services Institute, 1-866-268-7874